BRAVESTANDARD is licensed & regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Our Public Equities Platform seeks to invest in the equity and equity-linked securities of companies across the globe. Our actively managed public equities approaches span disciplines, geographies, industries, market capitalizations, and styles to meet different types of investors' objectives.
We aim to generate alpha by combining a multi-manager equities strategy with sector-aligned investment teams focused on understanding each company’s earnings, revenue and dividend trajectories, strategy, management team, drivers of performance, and cyclical and secular industry trends over the medium and long-term, and proprietary analytical methodologies, grounded in rigorous risk management. We seek to invest in companies offering the greatest opportunity in a given time frame. We believe that informed active management can help our investors achieve their long-term objectives.
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Both past performance and yields are not reliable indicators of current and future results. There is no guarantee that any forecast will come to pass. The investments and strategies discussed herein may not be suitable for all investors and may not be authorized or its offering may be restricted in your jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of every reader to satisfy himself as to the full observance of the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdictions. Prior to any application investors are advised to take all necessary legal, regulatory and tax advice on the consequences of an investment in the products. For further information and any questions, you should contact our representatives.